"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completelyā€¯

- Carl Jung


A depth psychology approach to identifying the source of unease and working towards a more conscious, knowing and positive relationship with our selves. Mindful observation of our patterns, unbidden thoughts, dreams, habitual beliefs and feelings about others, provides us with the insights to fundamentally change, gain a level of inner acceptance, and more fully engage our creative potential.


I work with individual adults who have reached a point where something fundamental is shifting, or needs to shift. I am also a musician who has worked for many years helping other musicians to develop their powers of expression, and engage with their creative energies.

Jungian Analysis is a deep psychological approach to the challenges we find ourselves facing. Developed by the Swiss analytical psychologist Carl Jung, it offers ways to uncover our habitual and unconscious responses, and ways to become a more whole person. It can involve noticing recurring patterns, exploring dreams and imaginative symbols that may arise, and considering the impact of early trauma and dislocations. 


 Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakes.

- Carl Jung


Get in Touch.

Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss having an initial session in which we can explore the issues that you face, and consider whether I may be able to help.